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The Role of Trust in Conflict Resolution

The Role of Trust in Conflict Resolution

Dates: 8-9 Jan, 2014


  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Mordechai Tamarkin, Head, the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research, TAU -Prof. Raanan Rein, Vice President of TAU and Head of the The S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, Prof. Eli Friedlander, Chair, the Department of Philosophy, TAU
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 08 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Shlomo Avineri, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, former Director-General, Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 08 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Asa Kasher, Laura Schwarz-Kipp Professor of Professional Ethics and Philosophy of Practice, the Department of Philosophy, TAU
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 08 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Piotr Sztompka, Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 08 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Mari Fitzduff, Master's Program in Coexistence and Conflict, Brandeis University, Boston, USA
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 08 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Dinka Corkalo Biruski, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 08 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Dan Jacobson, Department of Labor Studies, TAU
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Ephraim Yaar, The Evens and International Programs in Conflict Resolution and Mediation, TAU
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Shalom Rosenberg, Department of Jewish Thought, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Ilai Alon, Department of Philosophy, TAU
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Dr. Yossi Beilin, Former minister of Justice
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Mr. Walid Salem, Lecturer on democracy, human rights and conflict resolution at Al Quds University; Director of the Center for Democracy and Community Development (CDCD)
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Amal Jamal, Department of Political Science, TAU
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Dr. Yehudith Auerbach, Department of Political Studies and School of Communication, Bar Ilan University
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Galia Golan, Darwin Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Head, MA Program, Diplomacy and Conflict Studies at The Interdisciplinary Center
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Asher Susser, Department of Middle Eastern and African History, TAU
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Dr. Ron Pundak, Chair, the Israeli Peace NGO Forum
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Dan Jacobson, Department of Labor Studies, TAU
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014

  • Lecturer(s) Mr. Ehud Olmert, Former Prime Minister
  • Location Gilman Building, TAU
  • Date Thursday, 09 January 2014