Digital Media Services | Events

Annual Workshop and Feder Award Ceremony 2010

Annual Workshop and Feder Award Ceremony 2010

The Event was held at the The Advanced Communication Center, the Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University.

Speaker: Prof. Mark Shtaif, Head of the ACC.

The Event was held at the The Advanced Communication Center, the Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University.

Speaker: Prof. Rüdiger Urbanke, EPFL, Laussanne.

The Event was held at the the Advanced Communication Center, the Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University.
  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Rüdiger Urbanke
  • Location TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Speaker: Prof. Ram Zamir, Tel Aviv University.

The Event was held at the the Advanced Communication Center, the Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University.
  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Ram Zamir
  • Location TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Speaker: Prof. Neri Merhav, Technion.
The Event was held at the the Advanced Communication Center, the Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University.
  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Neri Merhav
  • Location TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Speaker: Prof. Raphael Kastner, Tel Aviv University.

The Event was held at the the Advanced Communication Center, the Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University.
  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Raphael Kastner
  • Location TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Speaker: Prof. Israel Cidon, Dean, EE Faculty, Technion.

The Event was held at the the Advanced Communication Center, the Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University.
  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Israel Cidon
  • Location TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 10 February 2010

The Event was held at the the Advanced Communication Center, the Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University.
  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Dany Leviatan, Prof. Ehud Heyman
  • Location TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 10 February 2010

The Event was held at the the Advanced Communication Center, the Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University.
  • Location TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Lecturer: Izik Kirshenbaum.

The Event was held at the the Advanced Communication Center, the Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University.
  • Lecturer(s) Izik Kirshenbaum
  • Location TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 10 February 2010