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EU-Israeli Relations and the Changing Dynamics of the Middle East

EU-Israeli Relations and the Changing Dynamics of the Middle East

Date: 6/11/16

  • Lecturer(s) Sebastian Schublach, Head of Department for International Politics, Karl-Renner-Institut
  • Location INSS
  • Date Sunday, 06 November 2016

  • Lecturer(s) Dr. Nachman Shai – former IDF Spokesman and head of the Israel-Germany bilateral Parliamentarian group
  • Location INSS
  • Date Sunday, 06 November 2016

  • Lecturer(s) Miltiadis Kyrkos - Member of the European Parliament
  • Location INSS
  • Date Sunday, 06 November 2016

  • Lecturer(s) Hélène Conway-Mouret - Director of the International Department of Jean Jaurès Foundation, Member of the Senate of France
  • Location INSS
  • Date Sunday, 06 November 2016

  • Lecturer(s) Bruno Liebhaberg, Chair of the FEPS Scientific Council
  • Location INSS
  • Date Sunday, 01 January 2012

  • Lecturer(s) Dr. Yossi Beilin – Former Israeli Minister of Justice
  • Location INSS
  • Date Sunday, 06 November 2016

  • Lecturer(s) Fernando Gentilini - EU Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process
  • Location INSS
  • Date Sunday, 06 November 2016

  • Lecturer(s) Pierre Vimont - Senior Associate, Carnegie Europe former Executive Secretary-General of the European External Action Service
  • Location INSS
  • Date Sunday, 06 November 2016

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