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  • Lecturer(s) ד"ר אד מלבסקי, חוקר, יזם, מנהל ומשקיע
  • Location Leon Hall, Recanati Building, TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 14 July 2010

  • Lecturer(s) פרופ' אשר טישלר, דקאן הפקולטה לניהול, אוניברסיטת תל אביב
  • Location Leon Hall, Recanati Building, TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 14 July 2010

  • Lecturer(s) אלה מטלון, מנהלת כללית בפורום אמ.איי.טי
  • Location Leon Hall, Recanati Building, TAU
  • Date Wednesday, 14 July 2010

-New Tools for Creating a Sustainable Advantage

-Does Design Trump Technology?

-Why leading companies invest so much in design

-Startups need to choose - Geek or Chic

-Design as a Marketing Tool

-Boredom, Financial Success
  • Lecturer(s) James Conley, Galya Racine, Guy Paradis, Alex Padwa, Zvi Yemini
  • Location Leon Hall, Recanati Building, TAU
  • Date Sunday, 14 March 2010

Within the framework of the Military and Strategic Affairs Program, INSS held a conference "The Withdrawal from Lebanon: Ten Years Later"  -- Defense Minister Ehud Barak's lecture.
  • Lecturer(s) Defense Minister Ehud Barak
  • Location INSS
  • Date Monday, 28 June 2010

Within the framework of the Military and Strategic Affairs Program, INSS held a conference "The Withdrawal from Lebanon: Ten Years Later"  -- Prof. Itamar Rabinovich's lecture.
  • Lecturer(s) Prof. Itamar Rabinovich
  • Location INSS
  • Date Monday, 28 June 2010

Within the framework of the Military and Strategic Affairs Program, INSS held a conference "The Withdrawal from Lebanon: Ten Years Later"  -- Maj. Gen. (ret.) Amos Malka's lecture.
  • Lecturer(s) Maj. Gen. (ret.) Amos Malka
  • Location INSS
  • Date Monday, 28 June 2010

Within the framework of the Military and Strategic Affairs Program, INSS held a conference "The Withdrawal from Lebanon: Ten Years Later"  -- Maj. Gen. (ret.) Giora Eiland's lecture.
  • Lecturer(s) Maj. Gen. (ret.) Giora Eiland
  • Location INSS
  • Date Monday, 28 June 2010

Within the framework of the Military and Strategic Affairs Program, INSS held a conference "The Withdrawal from Lebanon: Ten Years Later"  -- Dr. Reuven Erlich's lecture.
  • Lecturer(s) Dr. Reuven Erlich
  • Location INSS
  • Date Monday, 28 June 2010

Within the framework of the Military and Strategic Affairs Program, INSS held a conference "The Withdrawal from Lebanon: Ten Years Later" --Col. (Ret.) Noam Ben Zvi's lecture.
  • Lecturer(s) Col, (Ret.) Noam Ben Zvi
  • Location INSS
  • Date Monday, 28 June 2010

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