Video and audio materials are encoded and stored
as a file on a centrally located University server.
Each file has a unique URL, and this is used to access it from any browser
connected to the network. You can view materials by simply typing the
URL into the address bar of your browser, or you can embed materials into
your web pages.
Where is it available?
The service is primarily designed to be available on Tel Aviv
University's campus. Streams can also be made available outside of the University, however
video and audio quality will vary depending on the available bandwidth.
What do I need to access the audio and video?
To see videos that are marked with the
icon you'll need
PC with the latest version of the Windows Media Player. This is
freely available ,To
install media player click here.
A sufficiently fast network connection to the video service
(Cable/ADSL 500kbs or more ).
If you experience problems, in the first instance go to the
"tools" menu on the media player, choose "options" and select
"automatic codec download" from the player tab. This will update
your software.
Who can use it?
The service is available for all staff members and students in
Tel Aviv University. For some videos you will need a valid
username and password. Please use your "post" username/password.
If you are a staff member or a student and you don't have a valid
"post" username/password, please
follow the instructions in the
help desk web site . (After opening a user account you will be
able to use many services,
for more details