The Jews of Iran: Continuity & Change
Held at the Tel Aviv University,
- Lecturer(s) Chaired by Prof. Shaul Shaked of the Hebrew University; lectures were delivered by Prof. Zeev Rubin of TAU & Mr. Shai Secunda of the Hebrew University.
- Location Tel Aviv University
- Date Wednesday, 07 June 2006
Published in
The Jews of Iran: Continuity & Change
- Lecturer(s) Chaired by Dr. David Yeroushalmi; lectures were delivered by Prof. Vera B. Moreen of Swathmore College, Dr. Dalia Yasharpour of UCLA. and Dr. Dan Shapira of the Bar-Ilan University.
- Location Tel Aviv University
- Date Wednesday, 07 June 2006
Published in
The Jews of Iran: Continuity & Change
- Lecturer(s) Chaired by Dr. Haim Saadon of the Hebrew University; lectures were delivered by Mr. Chen Bram of the Hebrew University, and Ms. Farideh Goldin, an independent scholar.
- Location Tel Aviv University
- Date Wednesday, 07 June 2006
Published in
The Jews of Iran: Continuity & Change