The Sackler Prize
The Raymond and Beverly Sackler International Prize is a $40,000 prize in the disciplines of either physics or chemistry awarded by Tel Aviv University each year for young scientists who have made outstanding and fundamental contributions in their fields. It was created through the generosity of Dr. Raymond Sackler and his wife, Mrs. Beverly Sackler. (Source: Wikipedia)
Event The International Sackler Prize in the Physical Sciences - 2018
Date: 13.3.18
Event The Sackler Biosphysics Symposium 2016: Physical Principles of Biological Systems
Prof. Jacques Prost, Curie Institute, CNRS & National University of Singapore
Prof. Michael Rossmann, Purdue University
Date: 13.12.16
Event The Raymond & Beverly Sackler 2014 International Prize in Biophysics
Date: 16th December 2014
Event The 2012 Raymond and Beverly Sackler International Prize in Biophysics
Date: 12.12.12
Event Special Physics Colloquium - The 2007 Sackler Biophysics Prize
Event The 2009 Sackler Awards
Held at the Tel Aviv University
Event Sackler Prize Symposium on Topological phases in condensed matter
Honoring the Recipients of the 2014 Raymond and
Beverly Sackler Prize in the Physical Sciences
Wednesday, April 9, 2014